2011 m. rugpjūčio 24 d., trečiadienis

Hot oil hair massage

fHot oil hair massage

I have heard that hair is the hot oil massage. Are you sure? How do I do?
If at least once a week, making a hot oil massage, moisturize and revitalize it the scalp, prevent dandruff from occurring. Activate blood circulation to the scalp and neck, relax your nervous system and thereby enhance hair growth. Protects the hair from harmful sun rays and inclement weather. Restore and revitalize dry, damaged hair ends and prevent cracking and cracking.
Such an oil massage will help to have a night to sleep.

How do I do?
Pour a little vegetable, the best olives, the oil in a bowl and hold it to the hot water container. The oil must be of the heat, so that it can handle. Fingertips to apply a little oil on the scalp as well as on the hair tips. Then gently massage with circular movements, the scalp. Slow motion helps to relax, more violent and helps to recover energy and stimulate blood circulation. Pamper your hair massaged towel and leave 30-60 minutes. If you want to leave it overnight, if for convenience use a thin towel to protect your bed from soiling, and less tired and dizzy. After this procedure, rinse your hair as gentler shampoo, preferably a vegetable, and leave your hair dry naturally.

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