2011 m. rugpjūčio 24 d., trečiadienis

Combing hair

Combing hair

This is a daily hair care. 
Choose the best wooden comb blunted ends or hair brush. The elders used to say before, that in order for hair to be beautiful, they comb should be struck 100 times. Do not forget the need to comb, and in the evening because during the day on the hair settles a lot of dirt and dust particles, which are partly removed by brushing.

That the hand is not as fast strokes can sit down and combed his head bent. Comb should always be clean. Cleaned from the comb of dirt, dust will be carried on the hair, rubbed into the skin.

Hair brushing stimulates circulation, improves hair supply, adjustable sebaceous glands.

Before washing your hair and brush their hair well - fall out dead hair, skin dander.

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